The Need for Sacred Spaces

As part of the Reimagine project, we’re taking a fresh look at how to better activate our buildings and make them useful all week long for the people in our community.

We’ve realized that a lot of people in our activity-filled culture are looking for a place to deactivate and take a pause from the demands of their lives. We consistently hear about a need for more “sacred spaces” (especially from the younger generations)—places that foster connection with God in an unhurried way.

In our busy, technology-saturated world, those kinds of spaces have gotten harder and harder to find. But what if we could offer one to the community?

As part of the Reimagine project, we envision building a chapel at our Legacy Campus to be that sacred space. A place that activates people’s connection with God in a location that is conducive to peaceful reflection, worship, and prayer.

A chapel would also meet another practical need in our community: alleviating the cost of funerals for those not connected to a church. Anyone who has lost a loved one knows how hard it is to deal with practical details while mourning a major loss. This challenge is even greater for someone who is disconnected from a church. What if we could make funerals easier and more affordable for those people? A chapel could serve as a great source of help and comfort, as well as a touch point with Chase Oaks for people during one of life’s most difficult times.

One more benefit of a chapel involves our En Español and Chinese campuses. These two campuses currently meet at our Legacy Campus building. Both are vibrant and growing, and both would be able to use the added space from a chapel for their weekend services.

We believe our culture is indeed open to spirituality. People want to connect with God… they’re just not always sure how or where to do it. At Chase Oaks, we’re here to inspire people to follow Jesus, and we think a chapel would be a great way to help make that happen.

Eric Torrence

Executive Pastor of Creative Expressions


Reimagining What a Future Campus Looks Like


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